A workshop series that explores connections between performance, meditation, and inner world-building.


Finding Character

Led by Acadia Barrengos

How many versions of ourselves live within us? How can we find access to them? Whether for theatrical practice, or a deepening of self-awareness, this workshop will explore myriad ways to physically access character and relationship by exploring beginning principles of viewpoints and flocking. We will work as a group, opening the body to meet ourselves and then play with the characters that arise from us.
South Oxford Space, Brooklyn, NY

New Moon

Led by Maya Rubio and Kenzy Cannon

Moving through themes of winter and darkness, how to trust the body and discover a natural, intuitive flow.
Studio 45, Brooklyn, NY

Creating a meditation or prayer

Led by Maya Rubio

How do you express praise and gratitude?
12/02/2023 and 12/03/2023
938Collective, Brooklyn, NY

A new secret growing

Led by Maya Rubio

“Yet like amorphous buds your endeavors sprout in all directions. Gradually the formlessness takes on more precise contours and the steadily growing roots feed an ever stronger plant, which will one day explore with an abundance of leaves and flowers.” (Notes and Methods, af Klint)
Vivid Oblivion, Cambridge, MA

Body Wash at Zone 3

Surface Tension
Led by Katherine Mitchell Di Rico

Standing, Sitting, Sleeping: Pedestrian Movement Workshop  
Led by Yolanda He Yang

Dancing with Images
Led by Phoebe Hiltermann and Livia Chesley

Map Dancing: Cartographic Movement Workshop
Led by Kelly Chen
Summer 2023
Zone 3, Allston, MA